Therapy Information


What is the difference between Occupational Therapy and Physical Therapy?

Sometimes, in pediatrics, it is difficult to separate some of the treatment techniques between OT and PT. You can’t separate parts of a child! In general, OT places an emphasis on addressing the sensory systems and the upper extremity fine motor skills. PT addresses gross motor skills and the lower extremity.

What is Kinesiotape?

Kinesiotape is a latex free stretchy, elastic tape used for biomechanical correction and to activate/support weak muscles. Sometimes the therapist will apply it to align a joint and sometimes to assist a muscle with activation. It is used on all ages of children for torticollis, brachial plexus injuries, weakness secondary to cerebral palsy and poor alignment of joints with no diagnosis.

What is Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation (NMES)?

We like to call NMES the “tickle machine”. It is actually a device, in which small electrodes are placed over specific muscles to encourage activation. The device sends an intermittent current to the muscle in order to create a cycle of muscular contraction and then relaxation. The intensity of the current and the rate at which is fires can be modified to best fit the needs of your child. It is most commonly used to facilitate muscle contractions, strengthen muscles, sensory awareness and can be used all over the body.

What is Sensory Integration (SI) Therapy?

Every human has many sensory systems that contribute to their function in the world-physical, social-emotional and verbal function. If one or more of these systems is disrupted or does not function properly it becomes very difficult to perform tasks, interact with others and have typical relationships. Sensory Integration therapy provides assessment and treatment techniques that help identify and integrate sensory input to produce a functional outcome. This could be motor planning or executing a task, modulation, regulation, or social emotional interaction and relationships. The occupational therapists at City Kids are trained in SI Assessment and Treatment and would be happy to answer any of your questions regarding this issue.

What is NDT-Neuro-Developmental Treatment?

NDT is a theoretical approach to treatment of individuals with any type of motor dysfunction. NDT utilizes assessment and problem solving to identify a child’s primary strengths and impairments in areas of range of motion, strength, biomechanics, motor planning, motor skills and developmental skills. An individualized treatment plan is developed for each child and implemented by the team of therapists with the assist of the playful environment and various pieces of equipment. There is a link on our website for the NDTA organization where you can attain more information.

Why is tummy time so important?

Tummy time provides a sensation of security and comfort to babies. They can feel the surface and they get feedback into their sensory system. It is also a position that provides muscle activity in the pectoral muscles and the abdominals, strengthening these muscles groups that are important for rolling, creeping on hands and knees and sitting up. Providing “tummy time” also prevents the flattening of the back of the head that many babies get from lying on their backs for long periods of time. In a recent study published in Pediatric Physical Therapy it was found that a minimum of 90 minutes per day of tummy time prevented delay in milestone acquisition! Having a set number provides a “reality check” about the amount of necessary tummy time every day! Start early and your baby will learn to love lying on their tummy!